Welcome to The Riley Rescue, an organization dedicated to saving and transforming the lives of dogs in need. We primarily focus on rescuing dogs from South Carolina and Alabama, working closely with esteemed partners like Hugs for Hounds, Brindlee Mountain Rescue, and Jericho Rescued Fur Babies.
Through our network of foster homes in southern New Jersey and surrounding areas, we provide a nurturing environment for these dogs on their journey to finding forever homes. Our dedicated foster families open their hearts and homes, allowing these dogs to heal, thrive, and rediscover their true potential.
At The Riley Rescue, we understand the challenges faced by dogs in Southern states due to overpopulation and limited resources. That is why we collaborate with other rescues and utilize transports to bring these deserving dogs to safety and give them a fresh start.
Join us in making a difference in the lives of dogs in need. Whether you choose to foster, adopt, volunteer, or donate, your support can help us save more lives and give these incredible dogs the love and care they deserve.
Welcome to The Riley Rescue, where compassion and second chances come together to create a brighter future for these furry friends. Together, we can make a lasting impact, one wagging tail at a time.